The scupltures made to skate won’t be coming to Brattleboro, this year anyway. The process began over a year ago, when a foundation offered a Grant to make skatable Art and fill the skate void in town. After a tortorus circle starting and ending with the skate committee, and passing thru the art and  rec committee, school board, selectboard, town lawyer, etc….There’s just no room, no willing place here for them to land.

One man’s Pancakes is another’s Hot Potato, apparently.

brattleboro area skatepark is comingThe local skate advocacy group voted at their last meeting to ask the town to allow hosting of the pieces at the site of the future concrete park.  In the works.  More soon.


  Steel Round Wall.

Watermelon Quarter Pipe.

Deep Pocket.

Grindable Arch.


We’re still looking for places for these to go. Open to all suggestions.

Here’s a peek at the sculptures… They are still in the shop, still in process, but these pics show the scale and give a glimpse of the real deal.

The Brattleboro Selectboard nailed an impressive trick the other night, with steez to spare. In a unanimous vote, members supported the installation of skate elements in public zones, times-dates-places to be determined.

There was discussion about whether these elements are ramps aspiring to be art, or art doubling as shreddables, but that matter aside, all agreed the project has merit and can go somewhere in town.

There are discussions underway on details about deployment…More soon..

On Tuesday May 17th at 7pm in the Municipal Center, a hearing on the future of the proposed project is scheduled. All this point everything regarding the placement of the elements is up in the air; many spots checked, no spots declared. Public and Private grounds have both been explored. No determination has beeen made yet as to whether the Town will even support the project.

A vaild question: what makes a good spot? …Centrally located, visible, in a well travelled area, does not disturb neighbors, or intrude on business, aesthetic surroundings, accomodates onlookers…

How about this location..We’ll even throw in some repaving?

Links to Drawings; showing length, width, height, and depth.

#1    Twin Banks

#2    Beveled Rail

#3    Trapezoid Ramp

#4    Wedge Pocket

Photos by – b, Feb 19, 2011

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